"Only In LA"
"Only in LA" is used too much. There can be a tiny dog in a purse sipping his own jamba juice in other places. You can be taking a lovely hike in January and overhear someone say "my yoga instructor said my website should have a brighter drop down menu" in other places. But after almost three years here I'm finally justified in saying it. "Only in LA" do you teach a kid for 5 months and never realize he's the star of a movie with Jennifer Hudson until you're trolling Netflix on a sleepy Friday night. And in a twist of credit this city doesn't usually get, "only in LA" would he have the humility to never say a word about it and be the one who is the last out my door stacking chairs so I'm not stuck with it in our room at Lachsa (LA arts HS I'm at twice a week). Everyone should go watch "The Inevitable Defeat of Mister and Pete"